Monday, September 9, 2013

I Have a Dream, too . . .

Martin Luther King, whose memory we rightly esteem in this country, and whose sacrifice improved the lives of millions of black Americans, gave his stirring, ‘I have a dream’ speech just over 50 years ago.  As we know, it was not just the words he said, nor the rhythm and cadence with which they were delivered—it was the man and his context. He had already suffered before for his people’s cause, and he, his family, and his friends would go on to endure much, much more.  

I am not nearly as eloquent as King, but please allow me to attempt to express another, similar kind of dream for  a cause that may be even more crucial:

I have a Dream . . .

  • That one day, firmly rooted in the Scriptures, and in the command of Jesus, American Christians will so grasp the truth of God’s Word and the significance of the Christ who lives in them, that they will be salt and light in a dark world that so desperately needs to see Jesus demonstrated in practice.
  • That one day, we will set aside the colonialism that has distorted our views of the world, the paternalism that has dominated our attitudes, and the materialism that has paralyzed our obedience, and together with our partner believers from every nation and country, we will without regard for risk or fear, send our young and our old to the unreached peoples of this earth.

  • That one day, the young people of this land will not get their identity from their class in society, or how much education they have, or the extent of their wealth or success, or the abilities with which God has endowed them, but will find their lives by losing them in the service of the Lord of history, paying the price necessary to serve those in need, those sick and in prison—in a word, those who are powerless to help themselves.

  • That one day, the resources of the church will not be used primarily for programs designed primarily to bolster our feelings about ourselves, but will increasingly empower others around the globe to glorify Jesus.

  • That one day our true wealth—our own lives, and those of our children and grandchildren—will be invested sacrificially and strategically in coming alongside those condemned to an eternity without God, through learning their languages, understanding their longings, and identifying with their true needs.

  • That one day, Christians of this land will join hands with believers from every country, partnering, not in a spirit of superiority, but of recognition that without Jesus we can accomplish nothing, and without the wisdom and help of brothers and sisters from every people group, we can accomplish too little.
  • That one day, we will once again follow in the Spirit of Him who energized countrymen like Lottie Moon, William Borden, Jim Elliot, Martha Myers, and a host of others who gave their lives with joy to the work of making disciples of all peoples, paying the ultimate price, as our Master did.

A Bigger Vision

I have a dream, and I believe that it is part of God's bigger vision, revealed step by step throughout human history:

Isaiah’s dream (Isa. 11:9), that the earth shall be full of the knowledge and experience of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Daniel’s dream (Dan. 2:44-45), that the little Rock will bring down all the massive, powerful systems of human evil arrayed against the Lord and His Own.

Ezekiel’s dream (Ezek. 47:12; 48:35), that the Church will live out the abundant resources of Jehovah Shammah, ('the Lord is there') flowing out of its great community, the Temple of the Living God.

Solomon’s dream (1 Kings 3:10-14), that the one true God will give wisdom and inspire leadership willing to learn to incorporate the gifts and resources of all nations of the world to build His dwelling place,

The Apostle Peter’s dream (Acts 10:17-28), that no people or culture will be excluded because their skin color is different, their customs too strange, their food deemed unpalatable, all because of traditional Christians carrying, largely unaware, an innate, proud sense of superiority.

The Apostle John’s dream (Rev.4:9-11), that people from every nation, tribe, clan, political party or religious background will be so consumed with love for Jesus alone that they will one throw down at His feet every sense of personal identity and accomplishment, lost in wonder, love and praise.

In light of the corruption of human nature, it is a totally absurd and unrealistic vision and yet, because it expresses His heart’s desire, will absolutely and most assuredly one day be fulfilled.

U.S. Director

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