Thursday, July 18, 2013

The God who Answers when We Call

The skeptic won’t necessarily be convinced by answered prayer, but it’s a lot different for the person who prays to Jesus in the middle of anguish, and experiences His rescue. In their context, it is normal for Muslims to turn to ‘pirs,’ or ‘holy men’ in times of pressure. Shamans are thought to possess divine powers, and sometimes they are able to ‘accomplish’ some kind of short-term ‘good.’ More often than not, however, a person pays a fee and isn’t really helped. The Bible, however, tells us to come to God ‘without money and without price’ (Isaiah 55:1). One of our workers in South Asia sent in this report: 

An old friend of mine from our years in another part of South Asia rang me a couple of days ago. Her name is ‘Priscilla’, and she gave birth to a healthy baby boy a week ago. She knows this is a miracle made possible through Jesus. This is how she knows - this is her story: Married as a teenager to a heroin addict/pusher, had two sons, victim of violence, rescued, divorced, sons taken from her, destitute, then married to an old man whose children are older than she is. She lost her first baby with this new husband last year due to high blood pressure in the early months, but she survived. 
The doctor gave Priscilla a very strict warning to never get pregnant again or her life would be in terrible danger and the baby would die. Priscilla rang me about six months ago to tell me that nevertheless she was pregnant again and had high blood pressure once more. I prayed for her over the phone. When we talked a week later she said she felt better after our prayer. Well, she has stayed ‘better’ for the next six months and went to hospital about ten days ago. 
Priscilla was told that she would need an operation due to her blood pressure, but she refused because she was certain Jesus had answered our prayers. She went through normal labor and everything went well. She seems very happy with her new little son and rang me up to say my prayers did it. I said my prayers were nothing. It was Jesus who was the healer.  
She is doing well and I think the Lord is good to show His mercy to her and give her joy in her bleak life. I pray that the little boy will realize that Jesus gave Him life and come to know Jesus and tell his people his story. 

‘In the day of my trouble I will call to you,  for you will  answer  me’ (Psalm 86:7).

U.S. Director

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