Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Prayer Request from a Refugee in Canada

If you are  on the e-mail update list from our Canadian office, you will have received this urgent request for prayer already. We post it here for those who have not seen it, and ask you to pray for Hal, especially for his hearing before Canadian immigration on May 17th:
I met a man (his name is Hal) just over two weeks ago who originated from Turkey.  He is from a Muslim family.  Last year a missionary shared Christ with him in Turkey, resulting in Hal accepting the Lord.  When his family found out, they announced that they would kill him.

Hal fled to Istanbul and began working as a mechanic.  His fellow workers began to wonder why he would not go to the mosque or stop for prayers.  Once they found out that he was a Christian, he was either fired, threatened with death, or both!  Hal moved around the city several times finding new jobs, but each time the scenario was the same.  Finally he was able to get a job on a cargo ship.
Once again, his fellow workers became suspicious of him when he didn’t partake in any Muslim prayers or rituals.  One day his captain went into his room and found his Bible and a cross.  When confronted, Hal professed that he was indeed a Christian.  From then on, he was refused meals, forced to work long hours, and was treated like a dog.  He even overheard several of his fellow workers talking about throwing him overboard in the ocean.  He was scared.
Eventually the ship arrived in Vancouver.  As it docked, several men, including the captain and one man with a large knife surrounded him against the side of the ship.  Although Hal cannot swim, he felt that in order to save his life, he must jump off several stories into the water below.  He jumped.  However, Hal missed the water and hit the cement dock below.  He woke up two days later in a hospital in North Vancouver with several broken bones in his foot and broken ribs.  The ship had sailed away--with all of his belongings.
Hal has applied for refugee status in Canada, but has been told by officials that his request will probably be denied, as he has no proof that he has been persecuted.  His refugee claim will be decided on May 17th. Hal is alone, frightened, but trusting in God.  He has asked to be baptized and is not wavering in his faith. Please pray that the Canadian officials will grant Hal refugee status and that no matter what the outcome, Hal will feel secure and will remain strong in Christ.

From the ReachAcross Canadian Director

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