What does the persecution of others have to do with me?

I live under a government that doesn’t interfere with what we do—in fact it even encourages it with tax breaks for donors to our work. And nobody in my neighborhood throws stones at me or my house—at least not because of the Gospel!
I recently read about a Middle-Eastern family that came to Christ in another country, and then attempted to return to their home, only to have their son kidnapped, and to suffer severe harassment. They got their son back, but they are all refugees in another place now.
I pray for them, but what do I learn from this? Am I simply supposed to be thankful that I don’t have to live under those kinds of circumstances? Surely there is more to learn here.
Then came the letter from another friend of mine working overseas. He wrote he had just been thrown out of the country where he is serving. And, as if his readers in the West were the ones in trouble and needing encouragement, he continues:
Then came the letter from another friend of mine working overseas. He wrote he had just been thrown out of the country where he is serving. And, as if his readers in the West were the ones in trouble and needing encouragement, he continues:
In moments of greater enlightenment, I focus on the bigger and more real picture, mostly found in scripture. Humans are not my enemies and are not the real cause of persecution; the evil one is. I am not being attacked; Jesus is. Neither I, nor the government, nor the police, nor the religious leaders are seated on the throne; God is. Scripture tells us of many reasons we are persecuted, few of which have anything to do with our actions. Scripture tells us that the battle is much bigger than my ministry, my human opponents, and me. Scripture clearly instructs us how to respond to persecution. And Scripture assures me that the Heavenly Father, who loves me and gave his Son for me, Who sits on the throne and orchestrates all things for the advance of His kingdom and the glory of His Son, Who sends His angels into battle with the forces of evil (and they win!), that this same God knows each hair on my head and each thought in my mind, loves me with an everlasting love, and causes all things to work for my good. In these times, I breathe easier, rest easier, and rejoice a little easier.
A different friend told us yesterday that his business is sending him abroad for a few weeks, and he has to spend the first few days literally doing nothing but ‘touring’ places he’s been before. That’s frustrating for an achiever like him.

in rehab for a while. His business is suffering—he can’t work and support his family.
And then there is me in my office—all of us, whether in an airplane, a hospital bed, or in a very desperate situation, need to constantly remember the same thing. ‘Stop being afraid. Listen, learn, and know, that God is in charge.’ Right now, right here, where I am.
We pray for those who are being persecuted. And we learn from them. My friend who was kicked out of the country where he was serving wrote something else in his letter that struck me. He said, ‘don’t waste persecution.’ Strange as it may seem, he's right. Persecution is an opportunity to learn to trust God and follow him even more closely, when it is the hardest thing in the world to do.
Don't waste persecution, it is a precious thing.
ReachAcross U.S. Director
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